Company Fixed Deposit primarily or Corporate FD is a term deposit which is held over fixed period at fixed rate of Interest. Company Fixed Deposits are offered by Financial and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC).
Maturities of various company fixed deposits can range from a few months to a few years.
Prime objective of investing in Company Fixed Deposit is to earn a higher interest rate compared to a Bank Fixed Deposit.
Company Fixed Deposits are a good source of a regular income as per the frequency opted by Investor. Interest frequency could be Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly or Yearly.
Company Fixed Deposits are suitable for Moderately Conservative Investors seeking assured returns from a lump sum investment for goals up to five years away.
We are one of the fastest growing AMFI Certified Mutual Fund Distributors in the business of Investments and Insurance.
We offer our clients access to a wide range of mutual fund schemes offered by various asset management companies depending upon the client risks and returns.
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Sector 7 Plot No 13 Dwarka
New Delhi 110075
+91 9582392667
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