Insurance enables those who suffer a loss or accident to be compensated for the effects of their misfortune. The payments come from a pool of money contributed by all the holders of individual insurance policies. In other words, individual risks are pooled and shared, with each policyholder making a contribution to the common fund.
Life Insurance is equally important factor while planning for future goals, wealth creation for one’s life term.
Someone who is young, fit and in a risk-free job will find it easier to buy life insurance, and will pay lower premiums than someone who has a heart condition or is in a risky occupation.
In Life Insurance, one agrees to pay a fixed premium for a set number of years. In other words,oneentersin a long-term commitment when he/she buy a life insurance policy.
We are one of the fastest growing AMFI Certified Mutual Fund Distributors in the business of Investments and Insurance.
We offer our clients access to a wide range of mutual fund schemes offered by various asset management companies depending upon the client risks and returns.
856 Sargodha Apartments
Sector 7 Plot No 13 Dwarka
New Delhi 110075
+91 9582392667
+91 9582777838
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